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Bushland Mulch

The Bushland Mulch is a premium mulch consisting of crushed wood, black topsoil, and blended manure. Together it will mulch and feed your garden at the same time. 

Pinebark Mulch

Pine Bark Mulch is fantastic looking, durable and long lasting. This high quality crushed and screened bark mulch is perfectly suited to native gardens, high traffic areas and windy locations.

Woodland Brown Woodchip

Crushed bark and wood are blended, chipped and then coloured. The colourants used are a safe food grade, are highly resistant to UV fading and do not wash off in the elements.

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Triple C Mulch

Triple-C is a nitrogen-rich and water-retaining mulch that has the ability to keep soil 5-10 degrees cooler, saves valuable water, adds pro-biotics to your soil and has the capacity to reverse non wetting soils.

Composted to ensure that the mulch is weed, seed, and disease free.

Available in a 45lt bale. 

Lupin Mulch

Lupin Mulch will enhance your soil, adding vital soil nutrients and biology, replacing the need for separate application of fertilisers and mulch.

Available in a 45lt bag. 

Sugarcane Mulch

This mulch is a great budget raw "straw type" mulch made from shredded sugar cane waste. It is shredded to a fine consistency for even distribution

Available in a 55lt bale.